
This summary assumes that you have either read the Tutorial or already know some of the basics of Git, but need a quick side reference. Please refer to the full tutorial (and accompanying problem-solving tutorial) for an in-depth guide to each step of the process.

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Step 0

Refresh remote status, and pull down the latest development branch from origin/development.

Step 1

Branch away from development into a feature branch, e.g. ‘fix-reversals’

Step 2

On your feature branch, make changes to your files and save. Make sure you are working ‘one stage/issue per commit’.

Step 3 Commit changes

Commit changes to your feature branch. Summarise your changes succinctly in the textbox. Make sure “Push changes immediately to…” is left unchecked.

Repeat Steps 2 to 3 as necessary

Remember! You will be looking back at your work through each commit, so make sure each commit is coherent.

Step 4 Merging: Checkout development branch

Switch to the development branch by right-clicking on it and selecting checkout.

Step 5 Merging: Pull again

Refresh remote status, and (if there are any Pulls flagged) pull down the latest development branch from origin/development.

Step 6 Merging: Select Merge

Merge your changes from feature branch into development branch by right-clicking on the feature branch and selecting Merge. If there are no conflicts, you’ll be able to do Step 8.

Step 7 Resolving conflicts

If there are conflicts, you can find them by searching for the <<<<<<< HEAD text inside the file(s). Fix them, then save the file. Then, commit the resolved file(s) to the development branch as per Step 3.

Step 8 Push

Push your local development branch up to origin/development.

Step 9 Delete feature branch

After having merged it into development, right-click on the branch you wish to delete and select Delete.

Repeat Steps 0 to 9 as necessary

Once the development branch has reached a certain stage of completeness, you may merge it back into master branch (after consultation with other team members).