Elastic Query Builder

Inspired by https://elastic-builder.js.org/docs/. I couldn't get it to work in the browser but the ideas are very cool so I thought I'd use this opportunity to setup up a typescript library that supports both CommonJS (cjs) and ES (mjs) modules.

API documentation is available at https://coedl.github.io/elastic-query-builder/

Developing the library

In a terminal:

> npm run develop

This sets up typescript in watch mode to compile the code.

In another terminal:

> npm run tests:watch

This gets Jest going in watch mode to run the tests. With regard to Jest - support for ES modules support is experimental ({https://jestjs.io/docs/ecmascript-modules(https://jestjs.io/docs/ecmascript-modules)}) so note that the tests use cjs imports from the cjs bundles in dist.

Folder setup

Adding a query or aggregation

Say you needed an interval query as defined in QueryDSL: Full Text Queries:

  • Add src/queries/full-text-queries/interval-query.ts with code to return the query fragment
  • Add a test for it in src/queries/full-text-queries/interval-query.spec.js (note the JS suffix - see note above re: jest and es modules)
  • Register the query in src/queries/index.ts

Publishing a new version

  • Build the distributables (dist): > npm run build
  • Check it in: > git add dist docs && git commit
  • Bump the version: npm version [major | minor | patch ] as required
  • Publish: npm publish

Usage - tutorial

The base building block is the Query class. Instantiate this to start building a query:

import { Query } from '@coedl/elastic-query-builder'

let query = new Query({})

Once you have a query object you can append a query clause to it:

import { termQuery } from '@coedl/elastic-query-builder/queries'

query = query.append(termQuery({}))

Or if you have a complex set of queries append a BoolQuery:

import { BoolQuery } from '@coedl/elastic-query-builder'
import { termQuery, matchQuery, rangeQuery } from '@coedl/elastic-query-builder/queries'

query = query.append(
    new BoolQuery()
        .must( [termQuery()] )
        .should( [matchQuery(), rangeQuery({}) ])

Multi level compound queries are supported:

query = query.append(
    new BoolQuery()
        .must( [
            new BoolQuery()
                .should( [termQuery, rangeQuery] )
        ] )
        .should( [matchQuery(), rangeQuery({}) ])

Notice we're always storing the return query.

When you're ready to search get the JSON representation of the query and search away:

query = query.toJSON()

// this is however you execute a query against elastic: see helpers.ts for the method let result =
await execute({ index, query });

Aggregations are added in the same way:

import { termsAggregation } from '@coed/elastic-query-builder/aggregations'

query = query.aggregation(termsAggregation({}))

Or many aggregations:

import { termsAggregation, cardinalityAggregation } from '@coed/elastic-query-builder/aggregations'

query = query.aggregation([ termsAggregation({}), cardinalityAggregation({}) ])

And then execute:

query = query.toJSON()

// this is however you execute a query against elastic: see helpers.ts for the method let result
await execute({ index, query });