import { EventEmitter } from "node:events";
import { Bucket } from "./s3.js";
import * as nodePath from "path";
import hasha from "hasha";
import { Indexer } from "./indexer.js";
import mime from "mime-types";
import lodashPkg from "lodash";
const { isUndefined, isString, isArray, chunk, uniqBy, flattenDeep } = lodashPkg;
const specialFiles = ["nocfl.inventory.json", "nocfl.identifier.json"];
* A transfer Object
* @typedef {Object} Transfer
* @property {String} localPath - the path to the file locally that you want to upload to the item folder
* @property {String} json - a JSON object to store in the file directly
* @property {String} content - some content to store in the file directly
* @property {String} target - the target name for the file; this will be set relative to the item path
* @property {Boolean} registerFile=true - whether the file should be registered in ro-crate-metadata.json.
* The file will be registered in the hasPart property of the root dataset if there isn't already an entry for the file.
* @property {Boolean} version=false - whether the file should be versioned. If true, the existing file will be copied
* to ${file}.v${date as ISO String}.{ext} before the new version is uploaded to the target name
* An AWS Credentials Object
* @typedef {Object} Credentials
* @property {String} bucket - the AWS bucket to connect to
* @property {String} accessKeyId - the AWS accessKey
* @property {String} secretAccessKey - the AWS secretAccessKey
* @property {String} region - the AWS region
* @property {String} [endpoint] - the endpoint URL when using an S3 like service (e.g. Minio)
* @property {Boolean} [forcePathStyle] - whether to force path style endpoints (required for Minio and the like)
/** Class representing an S3 store. */
export class Store extends EventEmitter {
* Interact with an object in an S3 bucket.
* @since 1.17.0
* @constructor
* @param {Object} params
* @param {Credentials} params.credentials - the AWS credentials to use for the connection
* @param {string} params.prefix - define a path prefix
* @param {string} params.type - the class / type of the item being operated on - must match: ^[a-z,A-Z][a-z,A-Z,0-9,_]+$
* @param {string} - the id of the item being operated on - must match: ^[a-z,A-Z][a-z,A-Z,0-9,_]+$
* @param {number} [params.splay=1] - the number of characters (from the start of the identifer) when converting the id to a path
constructor({ prefix = undefined, type, id, credentials, splay = 1 }) {
if (!id) throw new Error(`Missing required property: 'id'`);
if (!prefix) throw new Error(`Missing required property: 'prefix'`);
if (!type) throw new Error(`Missing required property: 'type'`);
if (!credentials) throw new Error(`Missing required property: 'credentials'`);
const requiredProperties = ["bucket", "accessKeyId", "secretAccessKey", "region"];
requiredProperties.forEach((property) => {
if (!credentials[property]) {
throw new Error(`Missing required property: '${property}'`);
if (!isString(id)) {
throw new Error(`The 'id' must be a string`);
if (!isUndefined && !isString(type)) {
throw new Error(`The 'type' must be a string`);
if (!isUndefined && !isString(prefix)) {
throw new Error(`The 'prefix' must be a string`);
if (!id.match(/^[a-z,A-Z][a-z,A-Z,0-9,_]+$/)) {
throw new Error(
`The identifier doesn't match the allowed format: ^[a-z,A-Z][a-z,A-Z,0-9,_]+$`
if (!isUndefined && !type.match(/^[a-z,A-Z][a-z,A-Z,0-9,_]+$/)) {
throw new Error(
`The 'type' doesn't match the allowed format: ^[a-z,A-Z][a-z,A-Z,0-9,_]+$`
this.credentials = credentials;
this.bucket = new Bucket(credentials); = id;
this.type = type.toLowerCase();
this.prefix = prefix.toLowerCase();
this.objectPath = `${this.prefix}/${this.type}/${id.slice(0, splay)}/${id}`;
this.splay = splay;
this.roCrateFile = nodePath.join(this.objectPath, "ro-crate-metadata.json");
this.inventoryFile = nodePath.join(this.objectPath, "nocfl.inventory.json");
this.identifierFile = nodePath.join(this.objectPath, "nocfl.identifier.json");
this.roCrateSkeleton = {
"@context": [
"@vocab": "",
txc: "",
"@base": null,
"@graph": [
"@id": "ro-crate-metadata.json",
"@type": "CreativeWork",
conformsTo: {
"@id": "",
about: {
"@id": "./",
identifier: "ro-crate-metadata.json",
"@id": "./",
"@type": ["Dataset"],
name: "My Research Object Crate",
this.indexer = new Indexer({ credentials });
* Check whether the object exists in the storage.
* @since 1.17.0
* @return {Boolean}
async exists() {
if (await this.bucket.pathExists({ path: this.identifierFile })) {
return true;
return false;
* Check whether the path exists in the storage.
* @since 1.17.0
* @param {Object} params
* @param {String} params.path - the path of the file to check - this is relative to the item root
* @return {Boolean}
async fileExists({ path }) {
let target = nodePath.join(this.objectPath, path);
return await this.bucket.pathExists({ path: target });
* Get the path of the object in the storage.
* @since 1.17.0
* @return {String}
getObjectPath() {
return this.objectPath;
* Get the object identifier.
* @since 1.17.0
* @return {Object}
async getObjectIdentifier() {
return await this.getJSON({ target: "nocfl.identifier.json" });
* Get the object inventory file.
* @since 1.17.0
* @return {Object}
async getObjectInventory() {
return await this.getJSON({ target: "nocfl.inventory.json" });
* Return the file stat.
* @param {Object} params
* @param {String} params.path - the path of the file to stat- this is relative to the item root
* @return {Boolean}
async stat({ path }) {
let target = nodePath.join(this.objectPath, path);
return await this.bucket.stat({ path: target });
* Create the object in the storage.
* @since 1.17.0
* @return {Boolean}
async createObject() {
if (await this.exists()) {
throw new Error(`An item with that identifier already exists`);
let roCrateFileHash = hasha(JSON.stringify(this.roCrateSkeleton));
await this.bucket.put({
target: this.roCrateFile,
json: this.roCrateSkeleton,
await this.bucket.put({
target: this.inventoryFile,
json: { content: { "ro-crate-metadata.json": roCrateFileHash } },
await this.bucket.put({
target: this.identifierFile,
json: {
type: this.type,
prefix: this.prefix,
objectPath: this.objectPath,
splay: this.splay,
// patch the index file
await this.indexer.patchIndex({
action: "PUT",
prefix: this.prefix,
type: this.type,
splay: this.splay,
* Get a file from the item on the storage.
* @param {Object} params
* @param {String} params.localPath - the local path where you want to download the file to
* @param {String} - the file on the storage, relative to the item path, that you want to download
async get({ localPath, target }) {
target = nodePath.join(this.objectPath, target);
return await this.bucket.get({ target, localPath });
* Get a JSON file from the item on the storage.
* @param {Object} params
* @param {String} params.localPath - the local path where you want to download the file to
* @param {String} - the file on the storage, relative to the item path, that you want to download
async getJSON({ localPath, target }) {
return JSON.parse(await this.get({ localPath, target }));
* Get file versions.
* @param {Object} params
* @param {String} - the file whose versions to retrieve
* @return {Array} - versions of the specified file ordered newest to oldest. The file as named (ie without a version
* string will be the first - newest - entry)
async listFileVersions({ target }) {
target = nodePath.basename(target, nodePath.extname(target));
let files = await this.bucket.listObjects({
prefix: nodePath.join(this.objectPath, target),
let versions = => c.Key).sort();
versions = [...versions.slice(1), versions[0]].reverse();
return => v.replace(`${this.getObjectPath()}/`, ""));
* Get a presigned link to the file.
* @param {Object} params
* @param {String} - the file on the storage, relative to the item path, that you want the url for
* @param {String} - get link that can be used to trigger a direct file download
async getPresignedUrl({ target, download }) {
target = nodePath.join(this.objectPath, target);
return await this.bucket.getPresignedUrl({ target, download });
* Put a file or batch of files into the item on the storage.
* This method is an event emitter. Listen to events using the store handle.
* @example <caption>Listening to events</caption>
* const store = new Store({})
* store.on("put", (msg) => console.log(msg));
* // where msg = { msg: 'Uploaded batch 1/1 (1/1 files)', date: date as ISO String }
* @param {Object} params
* @param {String} params.localPath - the path to the file locally that you want to upload to the item folder
* @param {String} params.json - a JSON object to store in the file directly
* @param {String} params.content - some content to store in the file directly
* @param {String} - the target name for the file; this will be set relative to the item path
* @param {Boolean} params.registerFile=true - whether the file should be registered in ro-crate-metadata.json.
* The file will be registered in the hasPart property of the root dataset if there isn't already an entry for the file.
* @param {Boolean} params.version=false - whether the file should be versioned. If true, the existing file will be copied
* to ${file}.v${date as ISO String}.{ext} before the new version is uploaded to the target name
* @param {String} params.mimetype - the mimetype of the file. If not defined, the library will try to determine it.
* @param {Transfer[]} params.batch - an array of objects defining content to put into the store where the params
* are as for the single case. Uploads will be run 5 at a time.
async put({
localPath = undefined,
json = undefined,
content = undefined,
target = undefined,
registerFile = true,
version = false,
mimetype = undefined,
batch = [],
}) {
if (!(await this.exists())) {
throw new Error(`The item doesn't exist`);
if (!target && !batch.length) {
// nothing to do
if (target && !batch.length) {
batch = [{ localPath, json, content, target, registerFile, version, mimetype }];
let files = [];
putFile = putFile.bind(this);
// upload the batch
let chunks = chunk(batch, 5);
let countOfFilesUploaded = 0;
for (let [idx, chunk] of chunks.entries()) {
let transfers = => {
params.registerFile = params.registerFile ?? true;
return putFile(params);
let uploadedFiles = await Promise.all(transfers);
countOfFilesUploaded += transfers.length;
this.emit("put", {
msg: `Uploaded batch ${idx + 1}/${chunks.length} (${countOfFilesUploaded}/${
} files)`,
date: new Date(),
files = flattenDeep(files);
// update the nocfl inventory
await this.__updateInventory({ files });
// register files in the crate file as required
files = files.filter((f) => f.registerFile);
await this.registerFilesInCrateMetadata({ files });
async function putFile(params) {
let { localPath, json, content, target, registerFile, mimetype, version } = params;
if (specialFiles.includes(target)) {
throw new Error(
`You can't upload a file called '${target} as that's a special file used by the system`
let newContentHash;
if (localPath) {
newContentHash = await hasha.fromFile(localPath, { algorithm: "sha512" });
} else if (json) {
newContentHash = hasha(JSON.stringify(json), { algorithm: "sha512" });
} else {
newContentHash = hasha(content, { algorithm: "sha512" });
let uploadedFiles = [];
try {
if (version) {
let result = await this.__version({ sourceHash: newContentHash, target });
if (result) uploadedFiles.push({ ...params, ...result });
await this.bucket.put({
target: nodePath.join(this.getObjectPath(), target),
uploadedFiles.push({ ...params, target, hash: newContentHash });
} catch (error) {
return uploadedFiles;
* Copy a file into the item from another part of the storage. This capability is specifically to support using
* different locations in the bucket for working data and repository data where the repository data might contain versioned
* copies of the working data.
* This method is an event emitter. Listen to events using the store handle.
* @example <caption>Listening to events</caption>
* const store = new Store({})
* store.on("copy", (msg) => console.log(msg));
* // where msg = { msg: 'Copied batch 1/1 (1/1 files)', date: date as ISO String }
* @since 1.18.0
* @param {Object} params
* @param {String} params.source - the source file to be copied - this must be a full path to the file inside the bucket
* @param {String} - the target location to copy the source file to; this is relative to the object path
* @param {Boolean} params.registerFile=true - whether the file should be registered in ro-crate-metadata.json.
* The file will be registered in the hasPart property of the root dataset if there isn't already an entry for the file.
* @param {Boolean} params.version=false - whether the file should be versioned. If true, the existing file will be copied
* to ${file}.v${date as ISO String}.{ext} before the new version is uploaded to the target name
* @param {Transfer[]} params.batch - an array of objects defining content to put into the store where the params
* are as for the single case. Uploads will be run 5 at a time.
async copy({
source = undefined,
target = undefined,
registerFile = true,
version = false,
batch = [],
}) {
if (!(await this.exists())) {
throw new Error(`The item doesn't exist`);
if (!target && !batch.length) {
// nothing to do
if (target && !batch.length) {
batch = [{ source, target, registerFile, version }];
let files = [];
copyFile = copyFile.bind(this);
let chunks = chunk(batch, 5);
let countOfFilesCopied = 0;
for (let [idx, chunk] of chunks.entries()) {
let transfers = => {
params.registerFile = params.registerFile ?? true;
return copyFile(params);
let uploadedFiles = await Promise.all(transfers);
countOfFilesCopied += transfers.length;
this.emit("copy", {
msg: `Copied batch ${idx + 1}/${chunks.length} (${countOfFilesCopied}/${
} files)`,
date: new Date(),
// update the nocfl inventory
files = flattenDeep(files);
await this.__updateInventory({ files });
// register files in the crate file as required
files = files.filter((f) => f.registerFile);
await this.registerFilesInCrateMetadata({ files });
async function copyFile(params) {
let { source, target, version } = params;
if (specialFiles.includes(target)) {
throw new Error(
`You can't upload a file called '${target} as that's a special file used by the system`
let uploadedFiles = [];
let sourceHash = await this.hashTarget({ target: source, relative: false });
try {
if (version) {
let result = await this.__version({ sourceHash, target });
if (result) uploadedFiles.push({ ...params, ...result });
await this.bucket.copy({ source, target: `${this.getObjectPath()}/${target}` });
uploadedFiles.push({ ...params, target, hash: sourceHash });
} catch (error) {
return uploadedFiles;
* Register a set of files in ro-crate-metadata.json. If no files are defined the method will register all files that are
* not special files. This includes the ro-crate-metadata file (or any version of it).
* @since 1.18.0
* @param {String[]} [files] - if provided, the array of file names to be registered, relative to the root of the object.
async registerFilesInCrateMetadata({ files = [] }) {
// get the crate file
let crate = await this.getJSON({ target: "ro-crate-metadata.json" });
if (!files.length) {
files = await this.listResources();
files = files
.map((f) => f.Key)
.filter((f) => ![...specialFiles].includes(f))
.filter((f) => !f.match(/ro-crate-metadata/));
} else {
files = files
.filter((f) => ![...specialFiles].includes(
.filter((f) => !;
for (let file of files) {
crate["@graph"] = await this.__updateCrateMetadata({
graph: crate["@graph"],
mimetype: file.mimetype,
// save the crate file back
await this.bucket.put({
target: this.roCrateFile,
json: crate,
* Remove a file or files from an item in the storage. Files will also be removed from the hasPart property of the root dataset.
* @param {Object} params
* @param {String|Array.<String>} [] - the target name for the file or array of target files; this will be set relative to the item path
* @param {String} [params.prefix] - file prefix; this will be set relative to the item path
async delete({ target = undefined, prefix = undefined }) {
if (specialFiles.includes(target)) {
throw new Error(
`You can't delete a file called '${target} as that's a special file used by the system`
let crate = await this.getJSON({ target: "ro-crate-metadata.json" });
if (target) {
if (!isString(target) && !isArray(target)) {
throw new Error(`target must be a string or array of strings`);
if (isString(target)) target = [target];
let keys = => nodePath.join(this.objectPath, t));
await this.bucket.delete({ keys });
crate["@graph"] = await this.__updateCrateMetadata({
graph: crate["@graph"],
remove_keys: target,
} else if (prefix) {
if (!isString(prefix)) {
throw new Error(`prefix must be a string`);
await this.bucket.delete({ prefix: nodePath.join(this.objectPath, prefix) });
crate["@graph"] = await this.__updateCrateMetadata({
graph: crate["@graph"],
remove_prefix: prefix,
// update the ro crate file
await this.bucket.put({
target: this.roCrateFile,
json: crate,
* Delete the object in the storage.
* @since 1.17.0
async removeObject() {
await this.bucket.delete({ prefix: `${this.objectPath}/` });
// patch the index file
await this.indexer.patchIndex({
action: "DELETE",
prefix: this.prefix,
type: this.type,
splay: this.splay,
* Recursively walk and list all of the files for the item.
* @return { String[]} - a list of files
async listResources() {
listObjectResources = listObjectResources.bind(this);
let resources = await listObjectResources({});
resources = => {
r.Key = r.Key.replace(`${this.objectPath}/`, "");
return r;
return resources;
async function listObjectResources({ continuationToken }) {
let resources = await this.bucket.listObjects({
prefix: `${this.objectPath}/`,
if (resources.NextContinuationToken) {
return [
...(await listObjectResources({
continuationToken: resources.NextContinuationToken,
} else {
return resources.Contents;
* Resolve the full path of a file in the storage
* @since 1.17.0
* @param {String} params.path - the path to the file relative to the object root that it to be resolved
* @return {String} - the full path to a file
resolvePath({ path }) {
return `${this.objectPath}/${path}`;
* Calculate the SHA512 hash of a file in storage
* @param {Object} params
* @param {String} - the file on the storage, relative to the item path, that is to be hashed
* @return {String} - the hash of the file or undefined
async hashTarget({ target, relative = true }) {
if (relative) target = nodePath.join(this.objectPath, target);
const stream = await{ target });
if (stream) {
let hash = await hasha.fromStream(stream, { algorithm: "sha512" });
return hash;
* Update the hasPart property of the root dataset.
* @private
* @param {Object} params
* @param {Object} params.graph - crate['@graph']
* @param {String} params.add_target - the name of a file to add to the hasPart property
* @param {Array.<String>} params.remove_keys - an array of keys and entities to remove from the graph
* @param {String} params.remove_prefix - a string prefix to match on and remove from the graph
* @return {Object} the graph
async __updateCrateMetadata({
add_target = undefined,
remove_keys = [],
remove_prefix = "",
mimetype = undefined,
}) {
// find the root dataset
let rootDescriptor = graph.filter(
(e) => e["@id"] === "ro-crate-metadata.json" && e["@type"] === "CreativeWork"
let rootDataset = graph.filter((e) => e["@id"] === rootDescriptor.about["@id"])[0];
if (!rootDataset) {
console.log(`${this.objectPath}/ro-crate-metadata.json DOES NOT have a root dataset`);
// ensure hasPart defined and is array
if (!rootDataset.hasPart) rootDataset.hasPart = [];
if (!isArray(rootDataset.hasPart)) rootDataset.hasPart = [rootDataset.hasPart];
if (add_target && add_target !== "ro-crate-metadata.json") {
const target = add_target;
// we don't register the ro crate file
// update the hasPart property
rootDataset.hasPart.push({ "@id": target });
rootDataset.hasPart = uniqBy(rootDataset.hasPart, "@id");
// add a File entry to the crate is none there already
let fileEntry = graph.filter((e) => e["@id"] === target);
if (!fileEntry.length) {
let stat = await this.stat({ path: target });
if (!mimetype) mimetype = mime.lookup(target);
let entity = {
"@id": target,
"@type": "File",
name: target,
contentSize: stat.ContentLength,
dateModified: stat.LastModified,
"@reverse": {
hasPart: [{ "@id": "./" }],
if (mimetype) entity.encodingFormat = mimetype;
} else if (remove_keys.length) {
let hasPart = rootDataset.hasPart.filter((e) => {
return !remove_keys.includes(e["@id"]);
rootDataset.hasPart = hasPart;
graph = graph.filter((e) => !remove_keys.includes(e["@id"]));
} else if (remove_prefix) {
let re = new RegExp(remove_prefix);
let hasPart = rootDataset.hasPart.filter((e) => !e["@id"].match(re));
rootDataset.hasPart = hasPart;
graph = graph.filter((e) => !e["@id"].match(re));
} else {
// nothing to do - just return the graph
return graph;
graph = => {
if (e["@id"] === rootDescriptor.about["@id"]) return rootDataset;
return e;
return graph;
* Update the file inventory.
* @private
* @param {Object} params
* @param {Object[]} params.files - an array of file objects and hashes to be added to the inventory
* @return {String[]} - a list of files
async __updateInventory({ files = [] }) {
// let inventory = JSON.parse(await this.bucket.get({ target: this.inventoryFile }));
let inventory = await this.getObjectInventory();
for (let file of files) {
inventory.content[] = file.hash;
await this.bucket.put({
target: this.inventoryFile,
json: inventory,
* Version a file.
* @private
* @param {Object} params
* @param {String} - the file on the storage, relative to the item path, that is to be versioned
async __version({ sourceHash, target }) {
// can't version a target that isn't there
let exists = await this.fileExists({ path: target });
if (!exists) return;
let targetHash = await this.hashTarget({ target });
if (sourceHash === targetHash) {
// nothing to do - same file
const source = nodePath.join(this.getObjectPath(), target);
const date = new Date().toISOString();
const extension = nodePath.extname(target);
const basename = nodePath.basename(target, extension);
target = `${basename}.v${date}${extension}`;
try {
await this.bucket.copy({ source, target: nodePath.join(this.objectPath, target) });
return { target, hash: targetHash };
} catch (error) {
throw new Error(error.message);